Problems that may occur in the abdominal wall include primarily ruptures (hernias and eventrations) and, much less often, abdominal wall tumours.
If they are not repaired, hernias and eventrations (incisional hernias) cause problems such as incarceration/strangulation of intraperitoneal elements (intestines, stomach, omentum, etc.), which come out of herniated holes and involve a high risk of intestinal perforation and peritonitis.
Resection of the abdominal wall due to an abdominal wall tumour involves leaving a hole in the abdominal wall. This opening must be closed properly during surgery with the use of implants. Otherwise, severe complications may arise that have to be corrected with further surgery.

Inguinal hernioplasty
Inguinal hernioplasty is surgery to repair a hernia in the inguinal region using synthetic material (mesh). This type of surgery provides a very low probability of reappearance (2-3%). In addition, thanks to laparoscopic surgery, you experience less post-operative pain and can return to your usual activities much quicker.

Umbilical hernioplasty
Umbilical hernioplasty is surgery to repair a hernia in the umbilical region. It is an area of the abdominal wall that is especially vulnerable because it is weaker and intra-abdominal pressure concentrates in the centre of the abdomen during effort.
Results with mesh repair are better than if the hernia defect is merely sutured.

Abdominal herniorrhaphy
Abdominal herniorrhaphy is the mesh repair of an incisional hernia that occurs in the scar of an anterior abdominal wall surgery. It is very common (20-25%) and it is crucial to repair it properly because, if not, there is an exponential increase in the probability of subsequent ruptures.

Abdominal wall tumour resections
Abdominal wall tumour resections may be specific to musculofibrous tissue or tumour implants from other locations. Suitable repair of the defect remaining in the wall is required (with synthetic or biological mesh) to avoid further eventrations.

Before the operation
Avoid intense physical efforts that increase the size of the hernia and the possibility of intestinal strangulation, which could lead to an unwanted emergency surgery.

After the operation
Control postoperative pain with analgesics, occasional muscle relaxants and an abdominal girdle in cases of larger eventrations.

After leaving the hospital
Avoid efforts for a time period that will vary depending on the surgery.
Be aware that the abdominal wall, as a dynamic structure, needs a slightly longer postoperative time to recover all its functions properly without patient discomfort.
You can make an appointment with the barnaclínic+ Abdominal Wall Unit online. Once your request is made, we will contact you, and attempt to take your preferences into account as much as possible.
Hernia inguinal: tratamiento (la malla quirúrgica), dolor postoperatorio y recidiva
Después del diagnóstico de una hernia inguinal sintomática el tratamiento adecuado pasa por la corrección quirúrgica. En este sentido, hace años que se ha demostrado que la colocación de una malla quirúrgica es la mejor opción. Con la malla se obtienen resultados muy superiores a la sutura simple del defecto herniario, además de una menor necesidad […] La entrada Hernia inguinal: tratamiento (la malla quirúrgica), dolor postoperatorio y recidiva aparece primero en Blog de Patología de la pared abdominal.
La eventración: ¿Qué es? ¿Cuáles son sus causas y tratamiento?
Una eventración o hernia incisional es el resultado de una mala cicatrización de una incisión (corte) realizado en la pared abdominal durante una intervención quirúrgica. El resultado es un defecto (agujero) en la misma por donde puede salir contenido abdominal (asas intestinales) causando obstrucciones, dolor y, en los casos más graves, necrosis intestinal. ÍNDICE: – Causas de […] La entrada La eventración: ¿Qué es? ¿Cuáles son sus causas y tratamiento? aparece primero en Blog de Patología de la pared abdominal.
Infección de la malla quirúrgica en cirugía de la pared abdominal
Los resultados que se obtienen en la reparación de una hernia o una eventración de la pared abdominal son mucho mejores con el uso de mallas quirúrgicas sintéticas (-plastias), que con la sutura simple del orificio (-rafias). Sin embargo, al tratarse de un material sintético colocado en el cuerpo que actúa como un cuerpo extraño, […] La entrada Infección de la malla quirúrgica en cirugía de la pared abdominal aparece primero en Blog de Patología de la pared abdominal.