The Pancreas Surgery Unit at barnaclínic+ offers you the possibility to arrange an appointment with our centre online. Once you have made your request, we will contact you, and try our best to find a convenient time according to your preferences.
The Pancreas Surgery Unit, which has been developing its work for the last 10 years, offers personalised attention and maximum quality both at the diagnosis level as well as therapy for the treatment of lesions located in the pancreas which require surgery. Its aim has always been to have a multidisciplinary approach to pancreatic diseases and this collaboration of medical specialists and surgeons has given rise to them obtaining first class results that have made and continue to make the Grup Hospital Clínic an international reference in this pathology.
Surgeries and Procedures
Surgery is the main treatment with curative intent for pancreatic cancer and tumour related lesions. The results of the surgical procedure and the success of the intervention are clearly related to the experience of the team. To be able to remove a tumour with curative intent it is essential to carry out an extension study to confirm its location and distance affectation.
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Blog barnaclínic+
El Clínic, un año más entre los tres mejores hospitales públicos de España según el Monitor de Reputación Sanitaria 2024
El Hospital Clínic de Barcelona ha sido destacado una vez más como uno de los principales referentes sanitarios del país, alcanzando la tercera posición en el ranking nacional del Monitor de Reputación Sanitaria (MRS) 2024, elaborado por Merco. Este reconocimiento como uno de los mejores hospitales públicos de España reafirma el liderazgo del Clínic a […]
La Dra. Vilaseca recibe el premio a la Excelencia en Atención Hospitalaria del COMB de 2024
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Cinco profesionales de barnaclínic+ entre los mejores investigadores del mundo
Cinco profesionales de barnaclínic+ han sido reconocidos en la prestigiosa lista de «Highly Cited Researchers» de Clarivate Analytics. Este ranking identifica a los mejores investigadores del mundo, los expertos más influyentes, situados entre el 1 % más citado de su especialidad a nivel mundial desde el año 2021. Los doctores Francesc Graus, Eduard Vieta, Josep […]