Dr. Manuel Bernal Sprekelsen

Languages spoken: Spanish | Catalan | English | German | French


- Head of the ENT Dept. at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (from 2/1998 to 12/2017 and from 1/2021)

- Chair of ENT at the Universitat de Barcelona (from 1/2021)

- Chair of ENT at the Universidad de Valencia (2017-2020)

- IDIBAPS Investigator (Institut d'investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer). Universitat de Barcelona Medical School

- President of the Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello (2018-2021) (2021-2024)

- Chief editor, Eur.Arch.ORL-HNS (from 2016)

  • Otorrinolaringología

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- Bachelor in Medicine: 1982 Universidad de Valencia (Spain)

- PhD: 1982 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany).

- Specialty: in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck (1987). University of Mainz, Germany

- Fellowship: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (1991), St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

- Professorship for ENT-HNS (1997), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany


More than 35 years of experience.


· Endoscopic Sinus & Skull Base Surgery

· Reconstructive surgery of the middle ear

· Transoral laser surgery of malignant tumors with larynx preservation

Success rates

· More than 100 highly complex sinus surgeries a year.

· Complications below average

· Mortality rate: cero


- More than 230 indexed national and international scientific publications

- 16 books of ORL.

- Invited to more than 500 national and international scientific events.

- Honorary member of ORL Societies: German, Hungarian, Belgian, Peruvian, Chilean, Polish rhinology, European rhinology.

- More than 40 national and international awards and recognitions.

- Past-President (2015-2017) Confederation of the European Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery